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顯示具有 The Church of Almighty God 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章

2014年12月18日 星期四

God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Godself (3)

 The next is about loving the Lord and loving your neighbor as yourself. Were these words directly expressed in divinity? Obviously not! These words were all spoken in the humanity of the Son of man. Only man will say such words as these, “Love my neighbor as myself, and care for others as my own life.” Only man speaks in this way. God never speaks in this way, and at least in God’s divinity, there are no such words. This is because God does not need such a creed as “Love my neighbor as myself” to standardize his love for mankind, for God’s love for man is the natural manifestation of what he has and is. When have you ever heard God say such a word as “I love mankind as myself”? It is because love is in God’s substance and in what he has and is. His love for man, the way he treats man, and his attitude toward man are the natural expressions and manifestations of his disposition. He does not need to make a conscious effort to do anything or follow a certain way or a moral norm so as to be able to love others as himself; rather he naturally possesses such substance. What do you see here? When God does his work in humanity, many of his manners, many of his words, and many of the truths are expressed in human ways, while at the same time God’s disposition, what God has and is, and God’s will are also expressed for man to understand and know. What man understands and knows are exactly God’s substance and what God has and is, which represent God’s own original identity and position. That is to say, the Son of man incarnated in the flesh expresses God’s own original disposition and God’s substance to the utmost in a most accurate way. The humanity of the Son of man is not the hindrance and obstacle to the association and communication between man and the God in heaven, but instead is the only channel and bridge to connect mankind with the Creator. At this point, don’t you feel that the nature and way of the work the Lord Jesus did in the Age of the Grace are similar to those of this stage of work now in many aspects? In this stage of work, God also uses many words of humanity to express his disposition and uses much of everyday language or many words and ways of human knowledge to express his own will. Once God is incarnated, no matter whether he speaks in the position of humanity or in the position of divinity, many of his words or expressions are spoken in human language or human way. In other words, when God is incarnated, it is the best opportunity for you to see God’s almightiness and God’s wisdom and know all aspects of God’s practicalness. When God is incarnated, in his growth he knows, learns, and grasps in humanity some knowledge, common sense, and words or expressions from man. When the incarnated God equips himself with these things from the created mankind, they become a tool by which he expresses his disposition or expresses divinity in the flesh, so that when God works among men in the position of a man and with human language, he can do the work more appropriately, truly, and accurately, easier for man to approach and understand, thereby achieving the working results he desires. Isn’t it more practical that God works in this way in the flesh? Isn’t this God’s wisdom? When God was incarnated and his flesh was adequate to undertake the work he aimed to do, it was the time God’s disposition and God’s work would be expressed practically. At that time, that is, when the Son of man could formally begin to perform his ministry, it meant that there would no longer be the “generation gap” between man and God, it meant that God was about to stop the work of messengers conveying messages for him, and God Godself could personally express in the flesh all his words and works he aimed to express, and it also meant that the mankind God was saving became closer to God, meant that God’s management work entered a new realm, and meant that a brand new age was about to face the whole mankind.
EasternLightning | TheChurch of Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “AlmightyGod”—in China, and it isn’t established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.

God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Godself (3)

Next, let us look at the last word in this passage, “For the Son of man is Lord even of the sabbath day.” Does this word have its practical aspect? Can you see the practical aspect of this word? Every word of God is expressed from his heart. Why did he speak this word? How do you understand it? Now you may be able to understand its meaning. But at that time, not many people could understand it, because people of that time had just come out of the Age of the Law. To them, it was a very difficult thing to come out of the sabbath day, much less to understand what the true sabbath day is.
The word “the Son of man is Lord even of the sabbath day” tells people that God’s everything is non-material. Although God can supply all your material needs, when your material needs are satisfied, can the satisfaction these materials bring you substitute for your pursuit of the truth? Obviously, it cannot! God’s disposition and what God has and is we fellowship about are all the contents of the truth, and you cannot measure them by any material of great value, nor can you measure their value by money, because they are not material, and they are supplying what everyone needs in his heart. To everyone, the value of these non-material truths should surpass the value of anything you consider good. Can it be said so? You need to savor this word slowly. The important point I speak about is that what God has and is and God’s everything are most important to everyone, and they cannot be substituted by any material thing. Let me give you an illustration: When you are hungry, you need to take some food. The food can either be good or bad; as long as you fill yourself up, the unpleasant feeling of hunger in your stomach is gone and disappears, and you can quiet down while sitting there and your body can be in rest. You can solve the hunger in your stomach by food. However, when you, in following God, feel that your knowledge of God is nil, how can you solve the feeling of emptiness in your heart? Can you solve it by food? Or when you follow God but do not understand God’s will, what can you take to fill this hunger in your heart? In the course of your experiencing God’s salvation and when you pursue the transformation of your disposition, if you do not know God’s will, do not know what the truth is, and do not know about God’s disposition, you feel very worried, don’t you? You feel very thirsty in your heart, don’t you? These feelings cause you to have no rest in your heart, right? What can you take to fill this hunger in your heart? Do you have any way to solve it? Some went shopping, some went to several good friends to have a chat, some went to take a good sleep, and some spent more time reading God’s word or exerted more effort and strength in performing duty. Can these solve your practical difficulties? You all have much experience of these practices. When you feel you cannot make it as you wish and when you feel very thirsty for God’s inspiration so that you can understand the reality of the truth and understand God’s will, what do you need the most? What you need is not a good meal or some considerate words, much less the temporary ease and satisfaction of your flesh, but that God can directly and clearly tell you what to do and how to do it and let you understand clearly what the truth is. When you understand these, even bits of them, doesn’t your heart feel more satisfied than after having a good meal? When your heart is satisfied, doesn’t your heart or your whole being have a true rest? After I draw an analogy and analyze this thing like this, have you understood now why I let you look at the word “the Son of man is Lord even of the sabbath day”? The meaning of this word is that what is from God and what God has and is and God’s everything are greater than anything else, including the thing or the person you have regarded as most dear to you. In other words, if one cannot gain the words from God’s mouth or understand God’s will, he cannot possibly have a rest. In your future experience, you will understand why I let you look at this passage today, which is very important. Everything God does is the truth and the life. To man, the “truth” is an indispensable thing in his life and is something man cannot leave at any time, and it can be said to be the greatest thing. Although your eyes cannot see it and your hands cannot touch it, its importance to you cannot be neglected, and it is the only thing that can bring rest to your heart.
EasternLightning | TheChurch of Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “AlmightyGod”—in China, and it isn’t established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.

God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Godself (3)

The Lord Jesus came, and he told mankind by his practical act: God had come out of the Age of the Law and begun a new work; this new work no longer required people to keep the sabbath day; and “coming out of the sabbath day” was only a foretaste of God’s new work, and the real great work would go on. When the Lord Jesus began to work, he already went out of the “restriction” of the Age of the Law and broke the decrees and principles specified in the Age of the Law. Anything related to the law did not have any trace in him, and he discarded all of them and no longer kept them or required people to keep them. So, here you see that on the sabbath day the Lord Jesus went through the corn, and he did not have rest but worked outside, without a rest. His such an act countered man’s notions, telling people that he no longer lived under the law and he went out of the sabbath day and appeared before people and appeared among people with a completely new image and in a new way of working. His such an act told people that he brought a new work, which began with going out of the law and out of the sabbath day. When God did a new work, he would no longer cherish the old one or care about the decrees of the Age of the Law, nor would he be affected by the work done in the former age; rather he worked on the sabbath day all the same, and when his disciples were hungry, they could pluck the ears of corn and eat. All these were very normal in God’s eyes. With God, many works and words he aims to do and speak can have a new start. When he makes a new start, the old work he did before will no longer be mentioned or go on. This is because God works by his principles. When he wants to do a new work, that is, when he wants to bring people into the new stage of work, and when his work enters into a higher stage, if men continue to practice and keep the old sayings or decrees, God will not remember or approve it, because he has brought a new work and entered into a new working phase. When he brings a new work, he will appear to all people with a completely new image and in a completely new position and way, so that people can see his disposition and what he has and is in other different aspects. This is one of the purposes of his doing a new work. God does not hold on to old things or walk the old path. When he works and speaks, he does not, as man imagines, keep this or that prohibition. With God, everything is released and free, without any prohibition or restriction. What he brings to man are all freedom and release. He is a living God, and he is a God who exists truly and practically; he is not a puppet or a clay sculpture, and he is completely different from the idols enshrined and worshiped by men. He is fresh and living, and his work and word bring man solely life and light and freedom and release. Because he has the truth, the life, and the way, he does all the work he aims to do without any restriction. No matter what men say and no matter how mankind looks at his new work or comments on his new work, he will do the work he aims to do without any hesitation. He will not mind anyone’s notions or anyone’s critical views about his work and word, even man’s extreme opposition and resistance against his new work. No one among created beings should expect that he can measure what God does, circumscribe what God does, or slander, disturb, or wreck God’s work by man’s doctrines, man’s imaginations, man’s knowledge, or man’s moral concepts. When God does things or works, he is free from any prohibition, and he is not restricted by any person, matter, or thing and is immune to disturbance from any hostile force. As far as his new work is concerned, he is the King triumphing forever, and all the hostile forces and various kinds of human evil sayings and fallacies are trampled under his footstool. No matter which stage of new work he does, his work will surely be carried out among men, will surely be spread among men, and will surely be carried out without hindrance in the entire universe and crowned with success. This is God’s almightiness and wisdom and also God’s authority and power. So, the Lord Jesus could go out to work on the sabbath day in an open way, for in his heart there was not any regulation or any knowledge and doctrine from man. What he had was God’s new work and God’s way, and whatever work he did was the way that could set man free and released, could let man live in the light, and could make man alive. However, those who worshiped idols and worshiped false gods lived in satan’s bondage every day and were bound by various kinds of regulations and rules. They kept this prohibition today and that tomorrow, living without any freedom. They were like prisoners locked in cangues and chains, without any happiness. What does “prohibition” represent? It represents restriction, bondage, and evil! Once a man worships an idol, he worships a false god and an evil spirit, and prohibitions follow with that: This cannot be eaten, and that cannot be eaten; this day he cannot go out, next day he cannot cook, and the following day he cannot move; even the day for wedding and funeral has to be chosen, and even the day for giving birth. What are these? These are prohibitions, are bondages to man, and are shackles with which satan and evil spirits control man and restrict man’s spirit and body. With God, are there these prohibitions? When God’s holiness is mentioned, you should first think of this: With God, there is not any prohibition. God works and speaks by principles but without any prohibition, because God Godself is the truth, the way, and the life.
EasternLightning | TheChurch of Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “AlmightyGod”—in China, and it isn’t established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.

2014年11月13日 星期四

2014年11月12日 星期三





2014年9月16日 星期二




2014年8月26日 星期二

The BBC Acts as the Vanguard of the CCP’s Suppressing the Underground Churches

by Jin Shen
(from China)

I’m a Christian of the Church of Almighty God. Living under the dark ruling of the CCP government, I’m very miserable and depressed. I often climb over the wall to read various articles of the BBC. From the BBC’s previous working style, I saw a media demeanor of “being fair, impartial, realistic, and accurate” and saw that the BBC put its editorial value into work well, which is “we seek to establish the truth of what has happened, and we strive to be honest and are committed to achieving due accuracy in our reports.” I felt that the BBC was a trustworthy western media and a just organization that strived for the freedom and democracy for the vulnerable groups.
Recently, I saw that the BBC directly quoted “the Murder in Zhaoyuan, Shandong Province” reported by the CCP’s “mouthpiece” media, the CCTV, and stood on the CCP’s side to discredit the Church of Almighty God. I felt disappointed and sorry about it!
To my surprise, as a rather influential media magnate in the world, the BBC should have respected the freedom of religious belief and paid attention to equal human rights; however, in reporting “the Murder in Zhaoyuan, Shandong Province,” it didn’t make inquiries or investigations about this case or interview the Church of Almighty God. Without any evidence, the BBC affirmed directly that the six murderers are members of the “Church of Almighty God.” Besides, it broadcast the false case full of holes which was engineered by the CCP and was exposed and attacked by the public. Even with the condition that many netizens proved through online manhunt that Zhang Lidong is the owner of a gold miner, the BBC, against its “realistic” editorial value, still held the same opinion as the evil CCP, without making any investigation of the case. We can’t help suspecting the BBC: Is it that the BBC is no longer what it was before? Has it been assimilated by the CCP, the evil party, and lost the media attribute of “being impartial and objective”? Has it become the “mouthpiece” of the evil CCP?
On August 14, the BBC China editor Ms. Carrie actually wrote an article entitled The Chinese Cult that Kills “Demons, explicitly putting herself on the evil CCP’s stand to make an extended report of “the Murder in Zhaoyuan, Shandong Province.” In the article, she claimed that she interviewed a man named Wang Jiannan. Additionally, according to his one-sided statement, she alleged that the Church of Almighty God is “killing demons,” undoubtedly doing a favor for the CCP’s framing and defaming the Church of Almighty God. Moreover, such a deed is astonishingly similar to the deed of the CCP media’s identifying Zhang Lidong and the others as members of the “Church of Almighty God” without collecting evidence! We can barely understand: As a world-famous media magnate, facing such a special case, it should have made a deep investigation and restored the truth, adhering to the western media philosophy of “being fair, impartial, and realistic.” However, without making any investigations or inquiries about the Church of Almighty God or asking the man for the factual evidence, you willfully accused that members of the Church of Almighty God “kill demons.” Almighty God has worked in China over twenty years and there are millions of followers of Almighty God. If everyone had “killed demons,” how many people would have been killed in China? How many murders would have happened in the land of China? However, why hasn’t the CCP government given us a factual evidence until now?
As we all know, the evil CCP assumes the notorious dictatorship, and it is globally considered as the biggest clique of underworld gangsters embodying lies and violence and it is the most frenzied evil force that suppresses and persecutes the religious belief. As a news media which represents the western universal values, you BBC not only don’t lash out at the deed of the evil CCP’s persecuting religions or defend the suppressed vulnerable groups, but instead become the “mouthpiece” of the CCP, colluding with it to be its alliance. We can’t help asking, “Why do you BBC willingly abandon the media demeanor of ‘being impartial and objective’? Why do you beat the drum for the evil force in the world even at the cost of violating the western universal values? Are you driven by interests? Or are you trying to win the trade of China for the British government?” If this is the truth of the fact, then BBC, how far can you go? Does a media that speaks and defends for the evil force have credit? BBC, you have lost the dignity of a media and you’ll pay a painful price for your consciencelessness. The BBC writes for the evil CCP to suppress the Church of Almighty God. That means it is rubbing salt into the wounds of millions of innocent Christians who are undergoing the CCP government’s inhuman persecution! It is acting as a headsman for the evil CCP, and it is mercilessly strangling Chinese people’s hope of pursuing the freedom of human rights!

Exposed! The BBC Ethics Scandal

News should reflect the true picture of an incident. Thus it is of the utmost importance to report the news with honesty, fairness, and impartiality. How the BBC reports it directly affects how people understand and view the events. If the BBC does not uphold impartiality and fairness it will mislead the public and even defame or slander an innocent party. Unfortunately, this is what the BBC has done.
Upon seeing the May 28, 2014 report condemning the Church of Almighty God and its members as the perpetrators and also the report previously published on August 13, 2014 again reinforcing the implication that the Church of Almighty God is responsible and even trains the members of the Church to instigate such actions from the Zhaoyuan case or in destroying families. However, in the report, there was no investigation other than taking the word of the Communist Party, and the outcome is that the BBC has reported what was told to them by a brutal, inhuman regime in China, that is represented by the CCP, acting as the mouthpiece of a political party that is more devilish than the Nazi Party and which symbols and even membership is banned in many areas of the world because wherever the CCP goes, people will suffer numerous disasters. The BBC must know that. So why would it support the CCP? Does it mean that the BBC now stands for “Better Believe Communism”?
What has happened to the BBC Editorial Guidelines? Where was the independent investigation? Why only show one side of the story? Is there still fairness or openminded-ness?
If the BBC keeps publishing their unsubstantiated stories, then isn’t it an abhorrent doing? If the BBC continues to side with the CCP without objectively checking the facts, doesn’t it show that the BBC lost its senses when it was wooed by the CCP? Perhaps the BBC’s relationship with the CCP can be called “Better Believe Communism & Collect Communist Payoff.” It is an open secret that the CCP buys off and pressures politicians and even reporters to achieve their ends. Surely the BBC knows the history of the CCP’s methods? Is it possible that the BBC has been bought off? What are the implications of this reporting only one side of the event? Does the BBC really want to be a tool of oppression?
The BBC is accountable. Yes, even in the BBC editorial guidelines accountability, fairness and impartiality are stressed, yet in this news piece where can we see the impartial reporting? Where can we see the fairness? We welcome the BBC to publish the links of our church materials and videos, so the BBC audience can have an impartial chance to discover the truth for themselves.
The mission of the Church of Almighty God is to spread the truths that the returned Christ expressed in the end time for the whole mankind. God’s words in the end time, The Word Appears in the Flesh, teaches us how to live out the likeness of a real man and satisfy God’s will. It is the greatest honor for us to share God’s word with others. It’s common knowledge that the CCP is the most evil power on earth, which is the enemy of God, and it wants to prevent God’s word from spreading to the entire mankind. That is why it persecutes and frames and hinders the Church of Almighty God. This man in the Zhaoyuan event is most definitely not a member of our Church. From his own words it is obvious he doesn’t believe in Almighty God. No one in the Church recognizes him. So what would his actions have to do with the Church of Almighty God?
The BBC has made a grossly incorrect report and we demand it to be corrected and your response published on the BBC webpage. Millions of Church members are waiting.

The Future of the Media Magnate BBC Is Worrying

by Xiao Xiao
(from Guangdong Province, China)

On August 14, the BBC Chinese website published an on-spot report entitled The Chinese Cult that Kills “Demons.The article tacitly agrees that “the murder in Zhaoyuan, Shandong Province, China” is related to the “Church of Almighty God,” but also adds a tragedy of the family of a “victim,” Mr. Wang, implying that the Church of Almighty God is a cult that stops at no evil. This is undoubtedly the best assistance and support to the CCP government’s deed of cracking down on the underground churches.
As we all know, since April the CCP has launched a political campaign of cracking down on the “cults” in Mainland China. They not only unilaterally fix a list of twenty “cults,” but also high-handedly suppress the religious people in Xinjiang and other places. And they even demolish the churches and crosses in places such as Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, arrest the ministers, seal off and expel the house churches, hunt and persecute the Christians….
The BBC’s guideline says, “Trust is the foundation of the BBC: we are independent, impartial and honest.” In over 90 years, as the biggest public news organization in Britain which is subsidized by the government but operates independently, the BBC took part in reporting almost every important news event of Britain. For a long time, the BBC has been considered one of the most respected media in the world. However, what’s puzzling is that after Chinese netizens raise many strong doubts about “the case in Zhaoyuan, Shandong Province,” the BBC actually chooses to issue such an incorrect report at the crucial moment when the world pays high attention to the religious freedom of China. It’s really astonishing and pitiful! Why is the reporting style of a world-class media so similar to the contemptible CCTV? Why does the BBC with the noble identity of the “voice of Britain” sing the same tune with the CCP?
The British government has been concerned about the human rights situation of China. However, to our disappointment, the BBC China editor Ms. Carrie simply stood on the CCP’s side in this report. Although it’s called “on-spot report,” it’s not objective or neutral and the content is partial and impetuous. She not only didn’t interview the Church of Almighty God but also hastily reached a conclusion and determined the nature of it. This way of doing makes people astonished at the BBC’s level of news reporting! We can’t help doubting: On the eve of the public trial of “the case in Zhaoyuan, Shandong Province,” what happened to the BBC, which asserts to “observe a strict neutrality and not to be disturbed by commerce”? How come it published such a report? To our doubt, why does the BBC, always having an insight to the affairs of the world and keeping the whole world in view, willingly act as the vanguard of rumoring and ballyhooing for the CCP? Why can’t it see clearly all at once what kind of party the CCP is? Why does it fail to see clearly all at once that the CCP is an expert at fabricating false news? Additionally, why can’t it see clearly the serious consequence of being hostile to the world, the mankind, and the history due to keeping company with the CCP?
All people of insight in the world see that the CCP is the real evil party and cult. Think back to the over sixty years since the CCP was in power in modern history. Black clouds weigh the country heavily with slaughter and fights everywhere, and bloody atrocities prevail in each place, where wails can be heard and people live in misery. It is these heads of devils weaving the lie of “communism” that pour in the generations of Chinese people the potions of “atheism” and “loving the party and the country” and publicly put the evil party in the place of God. Such a group of devils, which go against Heaven and run counter to right principles, can only bring the Chinese people to hell and to everlasting perdition! China has been claiming that it allows the “freedom of belief.” However, the Church of Almighty God has always been the object the CCP, the evil party, attacks and condemns, and thousands of people are arrested, detained, and cruelly tortured and even to disability or death. In face of these bloody facts, why does the sophisticated BBC play a role that is “silly and naive”? Why does it become selectively “blind” all at once? Is there a benefit chain hidden behind it? What kind of trade is concealed? These are the factors people can’t avoid thinking of.
As a Christian of the Church of Almighty God, I pay attention to the BBC and respect the BBC. So I hope that such an impartial media can be a model of resisting the vicious CCP and be a relatively impartial and true voice in the world. However, what the great majority of netizens worry about is that the public confidence level of the BBC has been declining over the decades. In 2012, due to the exposure of the sexual abuse scandal of its previous ace host and its incorrect coverage of a Parliament member’s child abuse case, the BBC’s CEO and news chief resigned successively, so that the BBC suffered the greatest crisis throughout its history. According to the analyses of various media, what the BBC that broadcasts the report of the facts lost most in this storm was the unrivaled public confidence that it once had owned.
The journalist John Simpson said, “Reputations once lost are very hard indeed to regain. People forget the precise reasons why they no longer have faith in an organisation, but the whiff of untrustworthiness lingers for a very long time. The BBC must have a thoroughgoing reform, though it will be painful. Or we will never regain the high reputation we enjoyed around the world until just a few weeks ago.”
Whenever the crisis of the public confidence comes out, it needs a long time effort to recover gradually. The incorrect report is one of maladies causing BBC’s many crises. The anger and disappointment of the public will surely turn into the paper money burnt on its funeral. It is the time BBC should have a deep examination. If the BBC doesn’t put an end to such a kind of report, its future is worrying! The chairman of the BBC Trust Chris Patten said, “Does the BBC need a thorough structural radical overhaul? Absolutely it does and that is what we will have to do.” I agree with Chairman Patten’s opinion and expect to see that BBC can again become the most respected media in the world through reformation.

We’ll wait and see how the BBC is going to resolve this problem.

The Media Giant BBC Will Surely Be Spurned If It Sticks to Its Own Way

by Yang Xiaonie from China

Recently, the CCP acts very actively on the stage of foreign trade, so, fawning reports appear one after another in some media. Among them, the British authoritative media BBC has a report The Chinese Cult that Kills “Demons,” which is after the CCP’s heart’s desire. However, when those who like the voice of justice roughly look at the fabricated plot, they couldn’t believe that it’s actually published by the BBC. This British broadcasting media which has a history of over ninety years should have had a sharp eye. How can it suddenly not see things clearly? Even the public knows that one can’t draw a final conclusion only after listening to a one-sided statement.
As a Christian of the Church of Almighty God, I have something to say.
There are such words in the report of Ms. Carrie, “We interviewed one man who didn’t want to reveal his identity. To rescue his wife and father-in-law, he went undercover in the Church of Almighty God. He said, ‘The cult is anti-family, anti-human, and anti-government. It is constantly training its members to lie to their husbands and wives and encouraging them to throw away family relationships. Whoever is more resolute in rejecting their family is given a higher rank. It takes people who are kind and makes them crazy and extreme.’”
Ms. Carrie, as a British, I think that in China you must need a guide to lead you to interview this so-called anonymous man. This May, when China reported the “Zhaoyuan Incident,” the media guided the public opinion intentionally and framed the Church of Almighty God. They simply fabricated the gold mine owner Zhang Lidong as a hobo. They changed a common criminal case into a stunt of violently suppressing the Church of Almighty God. The Church of Almighty God condemned the evil deeds of the CCP in the media. Unexpectedly, the CCP repeated its old trick, using the BBC to slander the Church of Almighty God. You judged the authenticity by a one-sided statement. I don’t know whether it was because the BBC’s chief editor was so naïve as to be used by the CCP media unknowingly or the BBC readily lost the media’s soul for money, owning to the trade contracts worth 14 billion pounds Premier Li Keqiang signed with the UK in this June. The answer should be quite clear to all!
Besides, this man claimed to have joined the Church of Almighty God. Is there any evidence to his word “anti-family, anti-human, and anti-government”? He claimed that he was from “the Church of Almighty God.” Have you confirmed with the Church of Almighty God that he was really a believer of it? Is his word based on God’s word? Without finishing the movie and just by two video screenshots, you confirmed your word. Is it credible?
The brothers and sisters who believe in Almighty God all act according to God’s word. God’s word says, “The disposition of a normal man does not contain crookedness and craftiness, and he has a normal relationship with others and does not act independently, does not live a vulgar or rotten life, and exalts God among all people. Among people is permeated with God’s word. They live in harmony with one another and all live under God’s care and keeping. The earth is full of harmony and is free from satan’s disturbance. They all can take God’s glory as the fundamental thing.” (from The Word Appears in the Flesh)
Almighty God has never required his believers to forsake their families. The fictitious statement really makes us feel bitterly disappointed. The Chinese have long been prone to deny their kin for profits. But, how could the United Kingdom with freedom and democracy sing the same tune with the CCP?
In retrospect, the European believers who loved the Lord followed the Lord’s teaching and tried to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth. They left their families and gave up careers, crossed the seas, and came to China. In 1898, the radical practice of Guangxu Emperor’s reform was “foreignism” in public opinions, which irritated the conservative people and the religious people (Monks and Taoists). They slandered the New Deal, and spread the words that Guangxu Emperor joined the Catholic Church, and Kang Youwei set up a church in the palace. There was a rumor in Beijing saying that Kang Youwei set up a foreign yamun and employed foreigners to work. Through the hearsay, the deeds of Guangxu Emperor and Kang Youwei were associated with the “Catholic Church” and the “foreigners.” And they were regarded as two devils. Those in power drove the foreigners out. Since the autumn of 1898, the Chinese people became more and more hostile to the Catholic Church, missionaries, and westerners. In the spring of 1900, tens of thousands of poor peasants who practiced spirit-invitation and invulnerability to swords and spears claimed to be “Boxers.” They killed the Catholics and then the Christians, and burnt down the churches and the houses of the believers. With the permission of the Qing court, the “Boxers” entered Beijing. Then, they carried out a series of violent activities of attacking the believers and burnt down the churches. At that time, most of the western missionaries were from Britain. Was it very crazy that they gave up their happy and satisfactory life to preach? Ms. Carrie, if you are a Christian, I think you can understand why some Christians give up their cozy life. Actually, they want to make some sacrifices themselves so that more people can live a happy life, as the western missionaries did. This is because people who have faith all know that our everything is from the only true God who created the heavens and the earth and all things. Only if mankind worships the true God can we have a happy life!

China has been under dictatorship from ancient times, without freedom or democracy. Now the CCP is evil to the utmost. In fact, some true news of the BBC reporting the CCP was screened and blocked. The BBC should know very clearly about the CCP’s political means. But now, the BBC, for profits, sail with the wind and cover up the facts, collude with the CCP, and oppose the true God with it! It is recorded in the Bible, “but whoever speaks against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.” BBC, you should know well the end of resisting God. BBC, stop competing against God! Wake up quickly!

EasternLightning | TheChurch of Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “AlmightyGod”—in China, and it isn’t established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.

2014年8月24日 星期日

The Future of the Media Magnate BBC Is Worrying

by Xiao Xiao
(from Guangdong Province, China)

On August 14, the BBC Chinese website published an on-spot report entitled The Chinese Cult that Kills “Demons.The article tacitly agrees that “the murder in Zhaoyuan, Shandong Province, China” is related to the “Church of Almighty God,” but also adds a tragedy of the family of a “victim,” Mr. Wang, implying that the Church of Almighty God is a cult that stops at no evil. This is undoubtedly the best assistance and support to the CCP government’s deed of cracking down on the underground churches.
As we all know, since April the CCP has launched a political campaign of cracking down on the “cults” in Mainland China. They not only unilaterally fix a list of twenty “cults,” but also high-handedly suppress the religious people in Xinjiang and other places. And they even demolish the churches and crosses in places such as Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, arrest the ministers, seal off and expel the house churches, hunt and persecute the Christians….
The BBC’s guideline says, “Trust is the foundation of the BBC: we are independent, impartial and honest.In over 90 years, as the biggest public news organization in Britain which is subsidized by the government but operates independently, the BBC took part in reporting almost every important news event of Britain. For a long time, the BBC has been considered one of the most respected media in the world. However, what’s puzzling is that after Chinese netizens raise many strong doubts about “the case in Zhaoyuan, Shandong Province,” the BBC actually chooses to issue such an incorrect report at the crucial moment when the world pays high attention to the religious freedom of China. It’s really astonishing and pitiful! Why is the reporting style of a world-class media so similar to the contemptible CCTV? Why does the BBC with the noble identity of the “voice of Britain” sing the same tune with the CCP?
The British government has been concerned about the human rights situation of China. However, to our disappointment, the BBC China editor Ms. Carrie simply stood on the CCP’s side in this report. Although it’s called “on-spot report,” it’s not objective or neutral and the content is partial and impetuous. She not only didn’t interview the Church of Almighty God but also hastily reached a conclusion and determined the nature of it. This way of doing makes people astonished at the BBC’s level of news reporting! We can’t help doubting: On the eve of the public trial of “the case in Zhaoyuan, Shandong Province,” what happened to the BBC, which asserts to “observe a strict neutrality and not to be disturbed by commerce”? How come it published such a report? To our doubt, why does the BBC, always having an insight to the affairs of the world and keeping the whole world in view, willingly act as the vanguard of rumoring and ballyhooing for the CCP? Why can’t it see clearly all at once what kind of party the CCP is? Why does it fail to see clearly all at once that the CCP is an expert at fabricating false news? Additionally, why can’t it see clearly the serious consequence of being hostile to the world, the mankind, and the history due to keeping company with the CCP?
All people of insight in the world see that the CCP is the real evil party and cult. Think back to the over sixty years since the CCP was in power in modern history. Black clouds weigh the country heavily with slaughter and fights everywhere, and bloody atrocities prevail in each place, where wails can be heard and people live in misery. It is these heads of devils weaving the lie of “communism” that pour in the generations of Chinese people the potions of “atheism” and “loving the party and the country” and publicly put the evil party in the place of God. Such a group of devils, which go against Heaven and run counter to right principles, can only bring the Chinese people to hell and to everlasting perdition! China has been claiming that it allows the “freedom of belief.” However, the Church of Almighty God has always been the object the CCP, the evil party, attacks and condemns, and thousands of people are arrested, detained, and cruelly tortured and even to disability or death. In face of these bloody facts, why does the sophisticated BBC play a role that is “silly and naive”? Why does it become selectively “blind” all at once? Is there a benefit chain hidden behind it? What kind of trade is concealed? These are the factors people can’t avoid thinking of.
      As a Christian of the Church of Almighty God, I pay attention to the BBC and respect the BBC. So I hope that such an impartial media can be a model of resisting the vicious CCP and be a relatively impartial and true voice in the world. However, what the great majority of netizens worry about is that the public confidence level of the BBC has been declining over the decades. In 2012, due to the exposure of the sexual abuse scandal of its previous ace host and its incorrect coverage of a Parliament member’s child abuse case, the BBC’s CEO and news chief resigned successively, so that the BBC suffered the greatest crisis throughout its history. According to the analyses of various media, what the BBC that broadcasts the report of the facts lost most in this storm was the unrivaled public confidence that it once had owned.
The journalist John Simpson said, “Reputations once lost are very hard indeed to regain. People forget the precise reasons why they no longer have faith in an organisation, but the whiff of untrustworthiness lingers for a very long time. The BBC must have a thoroughgoing reform, though it will be painful. Or we will never regain the high reputation we enjoyed around the world until just a few weeks ago.”
Whenever the crisis of the public confidence comes out, it needs a long time effort to recover gradually. The incorrect report is one of maladies causing BBC’s many crises. The anger and disappointment of the public will surely turn into the paper money burnt on its funeral. It is the time BBC should have a deep examination. If the BBC doesn’t put an end to such a kind of report, its future is worrying! The chairman of the BBC Trust Chris Patten said, “Does the BBC need a thorough structural radical overhaul? Absolutely it does and that is what we will have to do.” I agree with Chairman Patten’s opinion and expect to see that BBC can again become the most respected media in the world through reformation.

    We’ll wait and see how the BBC is going to resolve this problem.

The BBC Has Actually Become the CCP’s Mouthpiece

As for the magnate of the media all over the world, the BBC fully deserves its title. As for the BBC, its integrity, boldness, and impartiality are rare in the world.
Recently, comments are flying around in the media circle. It is said that the old and mature BBC is just like a mad youngster seeking love and someone must have stolen away the heart of this media tycoon. Then, who is so “charming” that he can not only “steal” away the BBC’s heart but also make it debase itself and do its utmost to please him? What has the BBC done to cause such a stir?

The BBC Has Actually Become the CCP’s Mouthpiece
 by Su Ming
(from China)
In Mainland China, in order to survive, the media have to act strictly according to the government’s instruction and can’t report the objective facts, so that the true fact is covered. Thus, we try every possible means to read the news on foreign websites (including the BBC) over the wall mainly to learn about the true fact.
At the end of 2010, from the BBC’s report on Liu Xiaobo Incident, I saw the BBC’s impartiality, objectivity, and integrity. Such a good impression urged me to pay attention to it. Then I knew that this British broadcasting corporation which was established in 1922 has been considered as one of the few respectable media in the world. Moreover, I read in section 15 of the BBC’s editorial guidelines “Conflicts of Interest”: Our audiences must be able to trust the BBC and be confident that our editorial decisions are not influenced by outside interests, political or commercial pressures, or any personal interests.
The BBC Chinese website also states that it is responsible for the impartiality and accuracy of all the contents on the website.
This is the BBC I know, and this is the reason why I love the BBC.
In 2013, I found that some readers raised a query on the BBC. One of them said that “the BBC is totally politically-biased and has completely violated the news principles of impartiality and authenticity.” Someone even said that the BBC had been bought off by the CCP. However, the BBC is still the main channel for me to gain information, because the BBC’s objective and impartial image has taken root in my heart.
Living under the CCP’s totalitarian rule, Chinese people have long been deprived of human rights, freedom, and right to information. Especially in religious belief, the CCP’s means of persecution is abominable. In order to deceive and cheat Chinese people, it stops at nothing to fabricate rumors, defame, and frame up, and spares no efforts to resist God’s work. It alleges that God’s church is man’s organization and that the normal church life is illegally disturbing the social order. It also uses the base means of investigating openly and secretly, phone monitoring, shadowing in secret, secretly arresting, searching the house and imposing a fine, interrogating by tortures, threatening and tempting, afflicting body and mind, and so on, so that numerous members of the Church of Almighty God have been arrested, beaten, and put into hard labor or prison, some of whom are even maimed or killed. The right of the freedom of religious belief stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural is man’s basic right and is the universal value acknowledged by the world today. However, the CCP regime keeps violating basic human rights and opposing universal values massively. Under such white terror, we really hope that we can believe in God without restraint and that the media can report impartially and objectively.
BBC has ever given us an expectation.
However, on August 14, 2014, when I entered the BBC Chinese website over the wall, its headline was a so-called “Report on the Spot” written by Carrie, the BBC China editor. It did give me a head-on blow: The BBC, which I always trust and support, actually becomes the CCP’s “mouthpiece.” In the report, the “May 28 Shandong Zhaoyuan case” of framing and defaming the Church of Almighty God, which has been exposed by Chinese netizens, is mentioned again by the BBC. Besides, it gets a Mr. Wang and an undercover involved to illustrate the “fact” and makes a voluminous analysis. In fact, it is a criminal case, but the CCP uses it as a fuse to frame and defame the Church of Almighty God and thus conduct an extensive suppression and slaughter on the house churches in Mainland China. The comments of the CCP, which tells a pack of lies and plays the trick of a thief crying “stop thief,” are used in this report. After reading this article, people with discerning eyes will see that the BBC has completely stood on the CCP’s side to defame the Church of Almighty God and instilled the absurd views into millions of netizens. Originally, we hoped that the BBC could uphold justice and make an impartial report on us. But now the BBC’s actions have greatly disappointed us.
Even a reader’s feedback underneath that report says, “As for the amount of money collected and the number of people murdered, who is more sinful than the CCP?”
It’s known to all that the CCP regime has already been in imminent danger. To safeguard its regime, it has to spend money to buy diplomacy and make a deal with money everywhere.
Actually, the BBC is not foolish. In fact, it knows very well about the CCP’s evil and baseness. However, for the deal behind, the BBC would rather sell out its dignity, regardless of the universal values. To repay the “grace,” a big gift package worth 14 billion pounds China bestowed to Britain, the BBC actually fits in easily with the CCP and becomes its accomplice in cracking down on the religious belief.
Thus, I understand that why there is no impartiality and objectivity in the report and it is absolutely the view of the CCP’s mouthpiece media. Here I’d like to ask the BBC: Based on the CCP’s one-sided publicity, Carrie’s report is made without checking the fact with the Church of Almighty God at all. Is it fair or proper? As a western media, the BBC respected the religious belief and stressed equal human rights in the past. However, in this report, the BBC becomes abnormal and acts as the CCP’s “mouthpiece,” suppressing and discrediting the Church of Almighty God, which has totally departed from its aim of managing the media.
BBC, you should examine yourself deeply. Otherwise, you’ll be totally rejected by the public.

EasternLightning | TheChurch of Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “AlmightyGod”—in China, and it isn’t established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.

Why Has the Famous Media BBC Become the CCP’s Spokesman?

by Mo Ran
(from China)
Since the establishment of the BBC, it has received the favorable comment of people from various countries and the respect of other media with its aim of fearing no power, not being driven by profits, respecting human rights, safeguarding justice, and reporting the true fact objectively. However, on August 14, 2014, an article entitled A Report on the Spot: The Chinese Cult that Kills “Demons” on the BBC Chinese website, which was written by Carrie, the BBC China editor, greatly surprised me. I never expected that the BBC would speak for the CCP and conduct propaganda and crack down on religious belief for the CCP. What makes the BBC become the CCP’s propaganda tool and its mouthpiece and spokesman?
Any of the sensible and conscientious Chinese people has seen clearly that “Zhaoyuan Incident in Shandong Province” is the scheme plotted by the evil CCP to crack down on the Church of Almighty God and that its inferior tactic which is full of loopholes has become a laughingstock among millions of netizens. The evil CCP has committed all kinds of conscienceless evil deeds and is rejected and hated by people all over the world. This evil party has afflicted and tormented Chinese people for more than sixty years, and even more it tries every possible way to persecute Almighty God, who is incarnated to carry out the end-time work in China. However, God’s wisdom is based on satan’s schemes, and God has made a group of people in China. Now when God’s gospel is spreading to the West, the evil CCP attempts to use the influence of the western first-class media to defame the Church of Almighty God through the distorted report and hinder the spreading of God’s kingdom gospel. Unexpectedly, the BBC, a famous media with high popularity worldwide, actually beats the drum for the evil CCP, frames and persecutes the underground churches, and acts as its mouthpiece! As everyone knows, the Communist Party has long become utterly notorious in the whole world and has to step off the stage of history. Would the BBC support the evil CCP which is about to collapse even at the cost of being spurned by all people in the world?
Before publishing this report, why didn’t Carrie contact the Church of Almighty God based on professional ethnics of being serious and responsible and investigating the true fact, but blindly believed the one-sided statement of an evil party that has no credibility at all and is spurned by all Chinese people and even the world? Why did she arbitrarily slander the Church of Almighty God? Carrie’s rash action has violated the BBC’s values of being impartial, honest, and accurate and finding out the true fact. People cannot but ask: Is the BBC a media or a ruling party? It is worth thinking that this report was published after Chinese Premier Li Keqiang had visited Britain with “a big gift package” worth 14 billion pounds. It seems no accident.

However, I still want to ask the BBC: Don’t you fear that one day you will feel ashamed to face the public when the truth is brought to light? Do you sell out conscience and abandon the universal values temporarily driven by economic interests? Or do you stand on the side of the evil CCP temporarily under government pressure? Can you still report the truth of the fact according to the principles of impartiality and objectivity and accuracy and stop misleading the whole world?

EasternLightning | TheChurch of Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “AlmightyGod”—in China, and it isn’t established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.